Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Earring-A-Day 9: Dinosaurs!

I've had periodic bouts of insomnia lately, which has been annoying but there it one benefit: by this point I've moved past the tired into some kind of zen state where I get lots of weird ideas. Or I've gone insane. Either would explain how these lovely earrings popped into my head the other night:

Yes, those are dinosaurs. Yes, they're on swings. Yes, I'm wearing them to work.

I decided to break from my usual "drill hole, attach to hooks" method for these because dinosaurs are awesome, and I felt bad drilling through their heads. Originally I wanted to have the swings made from T-pins for more support, but those are really tough to bend. Then I came up with a complicated but stable backup:

These were nice (dinos are held on with little harnesses of wire) but I thought the swing contraption distracted too much from the dinosaurs- and that the duct tape swing was too ugly. So, after spending most of Open Craft Night at Etsy Labs working on that thing, I threw together the swing I ended up using in 10 minutes. And then glued the dinosaurs on at home.

Here's another picture for fun:

The swings are just two head pins taped together at the bottom with loops at the top. Dinos are from one of those quarter machines at the grocery store. Awesomeness. If I don't get comments on these at work I'll know I've gone off the deep end haha.

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