Thursday, August 11, 2011

Earring-A-Day 11: Button Chain Earrings

Ooh first post that didn't automatically go up at 9:30am. Slackin' off today. Why? Well between two dead mice (one computer, one my cat caught. ew) it was a little tough to get everything ready before I went to bed last night. That and I was working on bread. Expect that post later this month as the The Bread Project is a few weeks behind meat space. Anyway, onward!

Today's earrings fairly simple. Once again I reached into my bag of church rummage sale buttons, and took out a few that are the same shape but different tones. Buttons + jump ring chain =

I'm not totally in love with these. Originally I'd wanted to hang the buttons vertically, but I thought that might be too similar to last week's Sailor Jerry Earrings, so I went horizontal. The buttons are nice and woody looking, which is a nice contrast to the shiny shiny jump rings, but I'm not completely sold on it. Ah well, maybe I'll revisit this idea later, as there are still sooo many buttons left in that bag.

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