Friday, January 25, 2013

Dinosaur Earrings!!

Last year my mom gifted me a bag of dinosaur party favors. There were six kinds, I'm still not sure what breeds (not the right word) they are. But they're light enough for earrings and just generally amazing, so it really doesn't matter.

One week last October I made a point to make a new pair every day, using my standard drill/headpin/hook method. They all kind of tie for favorite- here are the Stegis:

I've included the rest after the jump, as well as a handy link as to where to buy your own. Maybe later I'll post a how to- but as long as you have a power drill you can probably just guess and be right :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Partial Recap's been a bit.

We'll need to change the name of this blog, probably.

I've really restarted making stuff...though I never stopped? I just recently refell in love with the process of creation, and regained my will to make things and the desire to share it. And other things I'm still formulating.

Since my last post....almost a year ago :)...I've made (partial partial list)

  • About a millions EARRINGS- bottle caps mostly, but some fun things like these typewriter keys for a friend:
  • Bags - yes, plural. Just barely. The version 2 of the bag I mentioned in my last post:
 And a new similar bag based off a storebought one from years ago- just in the test phase now though:

  •  I've made a recent brief but intense foray into Aprons- here's my original 1.5 hr prototype:

And more recently they've gotten classy- though my favorites I don't have pics of here, I'll detail in another post.

  • And well, everything else. Including infusing vodka a bit, and etching flasks to store it!
And that doesn't even include food. My god, the canning alone.

More posts soon. Promise promise.