Friday, July 29, 2011

The Dread Pirate...Rabbit?

How does the March Hare turn into a pirate?
  1. Attach one leg, be unsure about the placement and put off attaching the other
  2. Be indecisive about left eye placement and accidentally snip off some fabric while removing said button
  3. Decide to hell with it, you've just embroidered on the nose, might as well put on an eye patch to hide that hole
  4. Show D, who loves the pirate look, and thinks it's pretty cool he's already missing a leg
  5. Create a peg leg out of leftover corduroy (which is stretchy and ends up bigger than the other leg. whatever)
I majored in TV Production (technically Television/Radio/Film- again, whatever) and if there's one thing that I learned, it's that a lot of my best ideas are accidental. But really, it's all in your subconscious, and whether or not you intended for something to happen- take credit for it anyway.

Running with the pirate/embroidery theme I decided to add some tattoos. Some got a little lost in the crazy fabric pattern (which you may recognize as the lining for [link]this bag[/link]), but I don't mind.

The Rose Compass - between what would be his shoulder blades

Ma Tattoo on his tush (Mom just wouldn't fit)

I'm so happy with the way it turned out, especially after I completely botched that eye placement. Eventually I'll make more. For now this one sits on my desk at work- oddly enough no one has commented on it. Either it's too normal or too weird I guess.

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