Monday, July 25, 2011

The Bread Project Week 5: Apple Cinnamon Homebrew Bread

Short on time, or bad at planning, I wasn't able to work on a yeast bread this week. So instead I made beer bread!

D and I occasionally homebrew- he usually spearheads the recipes, I help hold and stir and sanitize. I'd been looking for an excuse to use our latest batch, a bock we mock aged in bourbon barrels using oak chips he'd soaked in Jim Beam. It also just so happened we had apples we were never going to finish before they spoiled. Thus an idea was born.

I have a habit of baking with beer- something I should post more of but never usually take pictures- and per usual I searched for a similar recipe for the ideas bubbling around in my brain. In this case I used one as a base and threw in extras hoping to get the flavor that I wanted.

Apple Cinnamon Homebrew Bread, based on these recipes from Food Blogga

3 cups AP flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 (12-ounce) bottle Oaky Bourbon Bock
1 cup grated and Empire Apples, some of the juice squeezed out
1 tsp cinnamon

Easy easy: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Mix the dry ingredients, then stir in the beer and apples. Put the batter in a sprayed 9x5" loaf pan then bake for 45 or so minutes.


The apartment smelled so amazing, and I was a little desperate for bread so I probably should've left mine in longer...or squeezed more juice out of those apples. It was a little wet, but that just gave me an excuse to toast it, and toasting gave me the excuse to add a little butter. Delicious.

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