Monday, July 4, 2011

The Bread Project Week 2: No Knead Wheat

In an effort to not overtax the air conditioner, D and I close off the kitchen during the summer. Any use of the oven makes the room unbearable. So will someone explain to me why I chose the summer to start my bread making adventure? Ah, that's right, I'm a crazy

Anyway- onward!

The recipe came from my favoritest food blog: Macheesmo. Every time he puts up a recipe, I want to go out and make that thing. Per French Culinary Institute-student and coworker Betty's suggestion that (loaf 1) may have been over-kneaded, I went the no-knead route.

The Recipe: No Knead Whole Wheat Bread (cookie sheet method)*

The Verdict: Kelly needs to learn to follow directions.

I thought the dough looked a little dry upon first mix, so I added more water. Once it rested overnight though, the dough was waay too wet. There are no pictures of the kneading and shaping process since I was completely overwhelmed and my hands covered in sticky sticky dough.

Much flouring and slight amounts of freaking out later, and then after some resting time and ovening, we ended up with these:

That picture makes them look so much better than they did in my kitchen. IRL they're pasty as all get out. Should've let them cook a little longer. Here's the inside:

Ahh well I enjoyed the bread, especially toasted with a little butter. And it made for great french toast!

This was hands-off enough I'll most likely do it again, and soon. There's a variation on the site that looks especially delicious...

* I won't post the recipe because really, go check out that site. He's got carrot cake pancakes! And beet burgers!

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