Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hodgman Tie

Yes, this is a tie made out of corduroy. It's been percolating in my brain since I started making ties a few months ago, but never really had a deadline that forced me to make it. That is, until I saw this. Hodgman is awesome. And apparently he's in possession of a fully functioning three-piece corduroy suit!

I tweeted about it. He replied! So yes, this tie had to be made.

Per usual I waited until the last possible day (well, weekend day) to make it. This was also after I'd locked myself out of my apartment and had to walk three miles in flip flops to meet D at work and get his keys, so I wasn't really feeling any kind of precision. Much of it was just pinned enough so I could hand sew it. There was no interfacing on the corduroy- mostly as I wasn't sure fusible would stick without high heat. I'm a little worried it'll warp (right word? Not sure) out of shape with wearing, but at least it's done.

A little closeup of the corduroy- the red was so vibrant it must've destroyed my camera's brain.

Closeup of the lining- some spare knit I had lying around, interfaced to make sure it didn't stretch. What's the design? Clocks. Was a little upset they didn't end up being obviously seen, but it adds a little air of mystery to tie. Right?

And how was Hodgman's taping? I have no idea. My foolproof plan to email-in sick backfired when my supervisor beat me to the punch with what I assume was an actual illness. Oh well. At least the tie looks cool.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention- made the tie using this wonderful tutorial from Purl Soho's blog.

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