Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Yogurt & Patience

The other day I made yogurt, a little on a whim, based on a few tutorials I found online (here's one from my perennial link-to: Food in Jars). It was a small batch, just two pints, using Axelrod as my incubator.

The next morning I excitedly opened the first jar and hoped to see a creamy batch of tangy goodness. What did I find? It had thickened...but was crumbly and cottage cheesy.

A little disheartened I put them both in the fridge and went to work. When I came home I looked again. The one I'd opened was still the same, if even a little more separated. The second? Well- look:

Runny, sure, but much better. Just a little lesson in patience :)

Assuming I can get the rest of my chores done today I'll separate the whey and make some bread.

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