Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sketchbook Project

So yesterday was the deadline to mail in your sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project 2012. I'm very proud to say I made that deadline, though I won't lie and say I wasn't tempted to email them and ask if I could just drop the book off later in the week. They are in Brooklyn after all...

Originally I'd settled on a sketchbook about my current project- making a copy of a bag I loved and destroyed:

It was supposed to be a guide detailing what I did from start to finish. Only problem: I wasn't going to finish the bag in time.

So I adapted it to being a guide through the first two muslins. Only problem: I accidentally cut out the second muslin wrong- the back panel pattern piece was flipped so it'll be a lefty bag instead of a righty and I had/have no will to finish it.

So I altered my idea again, to just being through that first muslin. Presumably I'd detail changes I was going to make in the pattern for the second. Here is the first muslin is question:

I was even going to include my pattern if people wanted to play along. This was my idea through Monday afternoon, the day before the deadline. Monday night I realized the draft I'd written up was terrible- it would just end up being pages and pages of words.

So I decided to scrap it. I worked out a plan to just do diagrams of most of the bags I'd made over the years, including inspiration and some construction notes. I worked out a quick draft Tuesday morning. I think I drew my first line in the actual sketchbook around 11:30am. I finished at 2:05pm. My hand is still sore.

I'm not thrilled at how it turned out- I was hoping to do a lot more- but given my time constraints I like the end result. Here's a sample page (yay for the fax machine at work's ability to scan and email things, since I didn't pay for it to be scanned by the people running the project):

Maybe one day I'll post the whole thing. For now you'll just have to view it in person. My Sketchbook's number is S66384 if you wanted to look it up during the tour.